
“This book provides nourishment to my queer mystic soul. Such beauty lies not only in the words but in the mystery in between each word. It carries a song that is calling to be sung. Be prepared for a beauty to arise within your own heart. Bravo, Julia. Bravo.”

-Tessa Amina Thulien

“I read Wild Heart by Julia Rahm last night and I'm still filled with the beautiful images she painted with words, with her passion and courage to share the deepest parts of herself, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Her boldness and her gentle, soft heart poured through her descriptions of the sensual layers of her ongoing unfolding.”

-Kate McKenzie

“This book has become a treasured part of my poetry collection! Julia has a way of painting the world with her words in a way that is often difficult for the modern day psyche to grasp. The pages are saturated with the words of a truly gifted poet: thoughtful with many facets, yet bold and true to her Self. I feel blessed for having come across this book and would recommend it to everyone.”

-Rachel Taylor

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